Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Our First Anniversary: Oh the Places We'll Go!

Hey y'all,

Our first anniversary was a couple weeks ago and I wanted to follow the tradition of giving a paper gift, so I took to Pinterest for inspiration and found the perfect gift to make for my hubby. We really enjoy traveling so the gift involved that and let me be a bit creative in making it, so I think it was the perfect first anniversary gift.

I found my inspiration at the 36th Avenue and with trips to multiple Michael's, Hob Lob, Wal-Mart, Target AND School Box, I had all my materials to create our own special travel map. 

Along with a US map (to be cut up to trace out the states), I got several different pieces of scrapbook paper in grays and yellows since I'm loving that color scheme lately, Mod Podge, a 16"x 20" canvas, small wooden unpainted letters and the piece de resistance- adorable mini wooden hearts and arrows that I used to show which states we've visited. Yay Hob Lob for the sweet find!

All my materials ready to go....finally!
After longer than I care to mention, all the pieces of the US were cut up and ready to be traced (Northeastern states, we're no longer friends. Midwestern states, we're cool.) 

Cut up and ready to be traced!
I alternated the different scrapbook paper designs to create a pattern between the yellows and grays and laid them out back in the correct shape to make sure all the pieces fit together okay (amazingly, they did).

This part of the US took no time at all to trace and cut out compared to the tiny states of the northeast.
Once all the states were cut out...after a LONG time starting at the tiny pieces, I laid them all out on my canvas. Based on the color scheme I selected for the scrapbook paper, I decided not to paint the canvas and decided to leave the canvas plain since I figured I'd need all the space I could get for the map since the states were pretty big.

All ready to adhere to the canvas!
Once all the states were mod-podged to the canvas, I was ready to add in the letters as well as the hearts to show all the states we've been to. To lighten up the color of the wooden letters, I used some metallic white acrylic paint I had lying around.

I was really happy with how it turned out and I think hubby liked it as well. It'll be fun adding to it the map over the years as we visit new places.

I can't wait until we get settled in our new place and can display this map with some pictures showcasing the places we've been.

Until next time,