Friday, July 27, 2012

30 Sucks!

So last Friday a co-worker of mine turned the big 3-0! Since she was celebrating her birthday on vacation, we didn't have a chance to celebrate in the office until she got back on Tuesday. I had seen an idea for milestone birthdays on Pinterest and the original post can be seen here so I thought it would be fun to try this idea out.

I ended up just remembering the gist of how the gift looked and created it my own way. I found a cute cup (at CVS for $2.49!) that had a Hawaiian feel, which was perfect because she had just returned from a meeting in Maui!  Instead of using floral foam, I just layered the lollipops to create the shape. In her card, to give her a hint, I said that this was a little something "in case 30 sucks" :) She really liked the gift and it was super simple to do and something different to give!

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